رعاية المؤتمر

Sponsorship packages

Sold Out

Sole Platinum

$ 28,000
  • Foremost visibility of sponsor’s logo
  • 1-minute recurring screening
  • 5-minute intervention following the opening ceremony
  • 2 standard roll-ups
  • Full corporate marketing brochure
  • Separate exhibition table
  • And more benefits...

Conference’s Gala Dinner Sponsor

Sold Out


$ 22,000
  • Foremost visibility of sponsor’s logo
  • 45-second recurring screening
  • 5-minute intervention before the closing remarks
  • 2 standard roll-ups
  • 2-page corporate marketing flyer
  • Separate exhibition table
  • And more benefits...


Sold Out


$ 15,000
  • Notable visibility of sponsor’s logo
  • 30-second recurring screening
  • 1 standard roll-ups
  • 1 page corporate marketing flyer
  • Separate exhibition table
  • Hyperlink to the organization's page
  • And more benefits...


$ 5,000
  • Visibility of sponsor’s logo
  • 15-second recurring screening
  • 1 page corporate marketing flyer
  • Hyperlink to the organization's page
  • And more benefits...


Sold Out


$ 7,500
  • Notable visibility of sponsor’s logo
  • 15-second recurring screening
  • 1 standard roll-up in lunch venue
  • 1 page corporate marketing flyer
  • 5-minute speech before lunch at the lunch venue
  • And more benefits...


$ 2,000
  • Visibility of sponsor’s logo
  • 1 page corporate marketing flyer
  • Hyperlink to the organization's page
  • And more benefits...
Two Opportunities

Non Law-Firm

$ 2,500
  • Visibility of exhibitor’s logo
  • 10-second recurring screening
  • 1 page corporate marketing flyer
  • Separate exhibition table
  • And more benefits...

Media Partner**

In-Kind Liability*
  • Visibility of sponsor’s logo
  • 10-second recurring screening
  • 1 page corporate marketing flyer
  • Hyperlink to the organization's page
  • And more benefits...

Sponsorship packages in detail


Sole Platinum









Supporting Organization Non Law-Firm Exhibitor Media Partner**









OpportunitiesOne OpportunityOne OpportunityTwo Opportunities


Two OpportunitiesIn-Kind Liability *Two Opportunities

In-Kind Liability *

Foremost visibility of sponsor’s logo in all conference’s promotional materials: printed / online copies of the publicity circulated to the CRCICA marketing lists as well as in the Conference’s program and banner.

Notable visibility of sponsor’s logo in all conference’s promotional materials: printed / online copies of the publicity circulated to the CRCICA marketing lists as well as in the conference’s program and banner.

Visibility of sponsor s logo in all conference’s promotional materials: printed /online copies of the publicity circulated to the CRCICA marketing lists as well as in the conference’s program and banner.

Full-page advertisement in the Conference Programme facing content page.

Recurring screening of sponsor’s activities during the intervals (Materials to be provided by sponsor). 60 seconds45 seconds30 seconds15 seconds15 seconds10 seconds10 seconds

Corporate marketing brochure / flyer in the electronic folder of the conference.

Full corporate marketing brochure

2-page flyer

1-page flyer

1-page flyer

1-page flyer

1-page flyer

1-page flyer

1-page flyer

Conference’s Gala Dinner:

•5-minute speech before dinner at the dinner venue.

•Sponsor may bring branded table sets.

•Sponsor’s promotional materials to be distributed at the dinner venue.

•2 standard roll-ups to be placed in a visible location at the dinner venue in coordination with the Conference Secretariat. (maximum roll-up dimensions: 1m X 2m)

Organization’s brochures, flyers, or publications to be displayed on a separate exhibition table.

Sponsor’s standard roll-up to be placed in a visible location in coordination with the Conference Secretariat.


(maximum roll-up dimensions: 1m X 2m)


(maximum roll-up dimensions: 1m X 2m)


(maximum roll-up dimensions: 1m X 2m)

1 at the lunch venue.


(maximum roll-up dimensions: A3 page)

5-minute intervention

following the opening ceremony of the Conference.

before the closing remarks.

during lunch at the lunch venue.

Sponsor may bring branded table sets & promotional materials to be distributed at the lunch venue.

Free accommodation for a single standard room on bed and breakfast basis during the conference.


Free attendance for firm’s representatives and clients exclusive of accommodation. Registration of representatives and clients must be completed no later than 30 days prior to conference commencement date.

6 firm’s representatives and 6 clients. No more than 6 is doable in each category.3 firm’s representatives and 3 clients. No more than 3 is doable in each category.

2 firm’s representatives and 2 clients. No more than 2 is doable in each category.

1 firm’s representative and one client. No more than one is doable in each category.

2 firm’s representatives. No more than 2 is doable in each category.

1 representative

1 representative

Discount for representatives exclusive of accommodation.50% discount for 5 participants50% discount for 3 participants50% discount for 2 participants

40% discount for 1 participant

40% discount for 1 participant25% discount off the registration fee only for 1 representative.25% discount off the registration fee only for 1 representative.

Hyperlink to the sponsoring firm /organization on the conference’s webpage.

Acknowledgement at the official opening and closing speeches.

Recognition via CRCICA’s social media platforms.

*In-Kind Liability: (Supporting Organization and Non-Law firm exhibitor)

Circulate the announcement among the supporting organization’s contacts / exhibitor and social media (promotional tweets, 1 minimum per week, preferably more; promotional post on Facebook, 1 minimum per week, preferably more).

**Media Partner


Media Partner will be liable to increase the media exposure of Sharm IX in all media channels and outlets associated with the relevant media organization through the following:

  • Promotion of Sharm IX extensively in the related digital media outlets and in print.
  • Commitment of media coverage of Sharm IX before, during and after the event.
  • Home Page Banner Ad (primary location).
  • Follow Conference link at Twitter, like it at Facebook, Join it at LinkedIn.
  • Promotional Posts on Social Media Platforms.
  • Providing event recap via photo story on all the social media networks where the media partner has a presence.
  • Interviewing guests in coordination with CRCICA and subject to interviewees’ approval (if applicable).

Application Process:

  • Application for sponsorship must be made by completing the Sponsorship Registration Form.
  • Sponsors will be invoiced 100% of the total invoice cost upon placing the order, payable to the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration within 7 business days of the receipt of the invoice.
  • Sponsors’ or exhibitors’ logos will figure on the conference website and other marketing materials only upon full payment of the amount of the sponsorship. Invoices not paid will be cancelled and no references to the sponsor or exhibitor will be made in the conference materials.

Refund and Cancellation Policy:

  • Should the sponsor/exhibitor wish to withdraw from being a sponsor of Sharm El Sheikh IX after placing an order and/or paying the amount of the sponsorship, the sponsor will be liable for the following amounts:

    • Cancellation on or before 1 September 2024: 40% of the amount of the sponsorship.
    • Cancellation between 1 September and 15 October 2024: 70 % of the amount of the sponsorship.
    • Cancellation after 15 October 2024: 100 % of the amount of the sponsorship.

    In the event of Sharm El Sheikh IX being postponed, the amount of the sponsorship will be carried forward to new dates.

    If Sharm El Sheikh IX is cancelled by the organizers before 1 October 2024, sponsors and exhibitors will be entitled to a full refund. If the event is cancelled by the organizers after 1 October 2024, a percentage of 10% of the total sponsorship amount will be retained by The Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration in recognition of the exposure received to date.

Payment Information:

Bank transfer information:

Account Name: The Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration

Bank: Qatar National Bank AL AHLI

Branch Address: 2 Al Kamel Mohamed Branch, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt.

Branch Code: 00062

Account Number (US$): 62-20310212426-67

IBAN (US$): EG420037006208402031021242667

Swift Code: QNBAEGCX

In case of payment by direct bank transfer, please make sure that the bank transfer expenses are not deducted from the total transferred amount. We will much appreciate providing CRCICA with a copy of the bank transfer order or the document evidencing deposit at CRCICA’s account to check with our Bank and confirm the receipt of the amount to you later.

Please note that in its capacity as an international organization working in Egypt CRCICA is exempted from all direct taxes by virtue of the Presidential Decree No. 399/1987.

SPONSORSHIP Registration Form

By clicking on the box below you consent to the above terms, and to the refund and cancellation policy.



Name of Contact Person
Name of Contact Person
Postal Address
Postal Address


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