فريق عمل المركز

Ms. Nanor Zohrabian, Senior Marketing and Communication Officer, joined CRCICA in 2024.

Prior to joining CRCICA, Ms. Zohrabian leveraged her 14 years of experience in digital marketing to develop and execute strategic communication plans across various organizations. Throughout her career, she has established a strong reputation for crafting and implementing successful brand awareness and reputation management campaigns.

Looking towards the future, Ms. Zohrabian is excited to build upon the strong marketing foundation established by her CRCICA colleagues. She envisions a future where CRCICA’s marketing flourishes, leveraging innovative digital communication strategies to achieve even greater brand visibility and reputation. Ms. Zohrabian is a passionate and results-oriented leader, and she is confident that, together with the CRCICA team, she can propel the organization’s marketing efforts to new heights.


الأستاذة/ نانور زهرابيان