Judge Ismail El Zyady
Judge El Zyady was born in 11/1/1952 in Cairo. He obtained a Bachelor of Law, Cairo University in 1974. He has joined the the judiciary in Egypt after graduation and has served in the Public Prosecution and as a judge in various Courts. Judge Ismail El Zyady became very well known in the Arab Region for his pro-arbitration decisions throughout two decades during which he has served as member, then President of the Commercial Chamber No 7 of Cairo Court of Appeal. During this period, he has issued hundreds of decisions in annulment and enforcement proceedings and has undeniably contributed to the pro-arbitration stance of the Egyptian judiciary. Judge El Zyady is the Author of two books: “Real Estate Enforcement”, 1997 edition of the Judges Club, Cairo; and “Arbitration and the Judiciary”, 2007 edition, Al-Nahda Al Arabia Library, Cairo.