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CRCICA Mediation on the Rise

Within the context of CRCICA/IFC cooperation agreement effective since 2009, the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), one of the world’s most renowned mediation training institutions, has been developing for the Centre an institutional capability building program. The most distinguishing feature of the program in 2011 was the creation of a CRCICA pool of trainers qualified to provide first-class mediation training in Egypt and the region up to CEDR’s tutorial methodologies in a changing context.Some more recent features of the program follow:
A. New CRCICA mediation rules

CEDR is helping CRCICA develop a new version of its Mediation Rules. In 16 comprehensive articles, the draft Rules detail the exact role of the mediator as well as the nature of the role of the parties and the Centre. The draft Rules give special attention to the flexibility and confidentiality of procedures and manage to define the costs of mediation as clearly and transparently as possible. Since April 2012, the Draft has been subject to expert review and the final version is due to be released in the second half of 2012.
B. marketing and operational scope

Within the institutional capacity building scope, CEDR has been assisting CRCICA to develop its various internal operations, adopt modern marketing methodologies in order to increase mediation case flow. At a later stage, CEDR will provide CRCICA with an institutional capacity building guidebook providing best practices in mediation and samples of operational documents.

 Posted in News
 Published on Jun 30 2012

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