Associate Director

Mr. Said Hassanein Mohamed

Overview And Experience


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ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR | Head of Administrative and Financial Affairs Department

Mr. Said started his career as an administrative attaché at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and worked in the Egyptian embassies in Switzerland, Sweden, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Sudan.

In 1984, he was seconded to work as Head of the Administrative Affairs Department at CRCICA. He contributed with the Centre’s previous Directors. Dr. Esmat Abdel Meguid and Dr. Mohamed Abu El-Enein in the Centre’s constitution and laid down the Centre’s infra structure, he contributed to the Centre’s development for a period of nearly 35 years.

In 1989, he became the Head of the financial Affairs Department and made all efforts to improve the Centre’s financial position. He was also responsible of Human resources and of the establishment and development of the Centre’s premises in to reflect the expansion of the Centre’s regional and international activities.

the vision

from the beginning

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