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IFCAI 14th Biennial Conference and General Assembly, Hong Kong, 15 October 2017

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The IFCAI 14th Biennial Conference was held in Hong Kong as one of the events of the Hong Kong Arbitration Week which included the 2nd UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Judicial Summit and the 7th Annual GAR Live. Arbitration experts from different countries and backgrounds attended the IFCAI Conference to discuss the topic Arbitral Institutions: Guarding Due Process, Ensuring Efficiency. The IFCAI General Assembly was attended by representatives of 12 international arbitral institutions; namely Centro de Arbitraje Camara de Caracas (Venezuela), Milan Chamber of Arbitration CAM (Italy), Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration CRCICA (Egypt), American Arbitration Association AAA (USA), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre HKIAC (Hong Kong), International Chamber of Commerce ICC (France), the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada CAM/CCBC (Brazil), Stockholm Chamber of Commerce SCC (Sweden), Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution SCAI (Switzerland),Korean Commercial Arbitration Board KCAB (South Korea), The Arbitration Institution of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (Finland), and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators CIArb (England), where CRCICA Director was appointed IFCAI Secretary Treasurer among other appointments in the new IFCAI Council.

 Posted in News
 Published on Oct 15 2017

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