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XXVth Congress of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), Edinburgh

On 18-21 September 2022, Dr. Dalia Hussein, Deputy Director represented CRCICA at the XXVth Congress of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).  The event included 15 panels and approached interesting topics; inter alia, Three Classics Revisited &State Responsibility – Then and Now, Arbitration’s Printing Press: Drawing the Line Between Confidentiality and Transparency, Post Pandemic Dispute Resolution Toolbox and State of the World” in 2022 – New Developments and Reform in International Investment Arbitration.

Panel 8 titled “Asia, Africa and the Middle East: Dynamism and Consolidation” was moderated by Prof. Emilia Onyema, Professor of International Commercial Law at SOAS University of London and Member of CRCICA’s Advisory Committee, who focused on the need for action on meaningful steps to address the stubborn lack of progress on diversity.

 Posted in Past Events
 Event date Sep 18 2022

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