4th AlexU-CRCICA Vis Pre-Moot and Arbitration Conference IV

During the first days of March 2023, CRCICA co-organised the annual AlexU-CRCICA Vis Pre-Moot and Arbitration Conference for the fourth year in a row in cooperation with Alexandria University and under the umbrella of the AlexandriaU-CRCICA Arbitration Initiative. The fourth edition of the Event took place at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria after two years at CRCICA’s premises.

The theme of the fourth edition of the Conference was “Jurisdictional Challenges in International Arbitration”, and it included four panel discussions. The Conference also featured national and international experts, professors, judges and practitioners. It included as well the screening of the Documentary “Between North & South” produced by CRCICA.

As CRCICA is one of the constant sponsors of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, the Pre-Moot continues to be the sole sponsor pre-moot for the Vis Moot in the Middle East and mainland Africa, and it took place following the Conference over the course of three days. Furthermore, the Pre-Moot witnessed a strong diversification in the participating universities and arbitrators, with teams and practitioners hailing from Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and North America.

After interesting pleadings from all teams during the general rounds, quarter-final rounds and semi-final rounds, the teams of Leipzig University from Germany and the German University in Cairo from Egypt faced off for the final round. After the team of the German University in Cairo was announced as the winner of the Pre-Moot, Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of CRCICA, presented the CRCICA trophy to the team and wished all the participating teams the best of luck in the Vis Moot and Vis East Moot in Vienna and Hong Kong.

The Event was sponsored by Shahid Law Firm (Platinum Sponsor), Eldib Advocates (Gold Sponsor), Matouk Bassiouny Law Firm (Silver Sponsor), Habib Al Mulla and Partners (Bronze Sponsor), ADSERO – Ragy Soliman & Partners (Social Program Sponsor) and Al-Feshawy & El-Shazly Law Firm (Legal Resources Sponsor).

 Posted in Past Events
 Event date Mar 02 2023

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