7th Meeting of the Network of the Mediterranean Arbitration Centres, Italy, March 2018

On 23 March 2018, the Milan Chamber of Arbitration hosted the 7th Meeting of the Network of the Mediterranean Arbitration Centres of  the Institute for the Promotion of Arbitration and Mediation in the Mediterranean “ISPRAMED”.  Mediterranean institutions represented in the meeting were CRCICA, the Milan Chamber of Arbitration (CAM), the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITOTAM), Centre de Conciliation et d’Arbitrage de Tunis (CCAT), the Casablanca International Mediation and Arbitration Center (CIMAC), ISPRAMED and the Arbitration Court of Morocco (CMA) – via Skype. 

Considering the increasing debates on time efficiency in arbitration, the thematic focus of the meeting was the time of the arbitral proceedings . Members addressed the importance of sharing principles and practice in such domain. Based on the outcome of the meeting, member-institutions contributed to a comparative study reviewing, inter alia, the extension of general time limits, the obligation under the rules to conduct the arbitration in an expeditious manner, the cut-off dates for evidence, method of calculation of time limits (initial day, official holiday, etc.), time limits for issuing the award and for interpretation and correction of the award.

 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 23 2018

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