CIARB EGYPT BRANCH Seminar: Contracting between Law and Application


6 March 2024

Seminar: Contracting between Law and Application (Arabic)

Dr.Eng.Mohamed Sherif El-Nazer, International Arbitrator.
Moderator: Amb. Mohamed Mostafa Kamal, Former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs – lawyer and arbitrator, (MCIArb).

The seminar discussed the special features of arbitration in construction contract disputes as a natural result of the specificity of the construction industry itself among other industries, as well as, the specificity of the business contract itself among other types of contracts, on the other hand.

The seminar was directed to engineers as the main makers of the product, and whether they work in design, preparing bidding documents, negotiating with bidders, writing contracts, or later supervising implementation and the contract tool.
It was also directed to employers and contractors who are parties to these contracts, and to those who work with them in the financial and legal departments.

The seminar aimed to remind everyone of the knowledge they need to arm themselves with, not only engineering and technical, but also legal and financial, which are necessary for them to carry out their work before dealing with it.

Watch Video.

 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 06 2024

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