CRCICA Advisory Committee fourth quarterly Meeting in 2013

On 25 December 2013, CRCICA Advisory Committee (AC) held its fourth quarterly meeting in 2013. The meeting was attended by the following members: Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sadek El Kosheri (Chairman – Egypt), Coun. Dr. Borhan Amrallah (Egypt), Prof. Dr. Fathi Waly (Egypt), Prof. Dr. Hamza Haddad (Jordan), Judge Dr. Adel Koura (Egypt), Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Samir El Sharkawy (Egypt) and Dr. Mohamed Salah Abdel Wahab (Egypt). Through teleconferencing, Ms. Rabab Yasseen participated from Switzerland. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf attended the meeting in his capacity as the Director of the Centre.

The agenda of the meeting tackled, inter alia, the discussion of the Centre’s policies with respect to the notification to the parties and the arbitral tribunal of the submissions deposited by the parties, in light of CRCICA Arbitration Rules, as well as whether there should be partial payment of fees to the arbitrator who resigns for reasons not pertaining to his/her challenge.

It is notable that the AC already held three quarterly meetings in 2013. During the four AC quarterly meetings of 2013, the AC adopted 7 policies regarding the Centre’s practice under the Rules. The tripartite ad hoc committees composed from among the members of the AC decided over 4 challenges filed against arbitrators, upholding only one challenge, while three applications to remove arbitrators were rejected. The AC encouraged the Centre to publish its practice regarding the decisions on challenges and removal of arbitrators issued by the different tripartite ad hoc committees.


 Posted in News
 Published on Dec 25 2013

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