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CRCICA at Dar Al-Handasah

On 2 October 2018, CRCICA Director delivered a presentation on CRCICA at Dar Al-Handasah – Egypt, one of the top design consultants for the world’s most important projects, which operates through 40 offices in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. The presentation focused on CRCICA’s caseload, recognitions and activities. Discussions involved CRCICA’s affordable costs comparing to 18 major arbitral institutions based on the findings of the GAR Report “Arbitration Costs Compared” and the possibility of applying CRCICA’s Rules while having the seat of arbitration outside Egypt. Discussions also approached CRCICA as a Hearing Centre hosting ad-hoc arbitration proceedings as well as arbitrations brought under other arbitration rules and administrated by other arbitral institutions. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Dar Al-Handasah management, including Mr. André Edmond Samaha, Director of Project Management & Contracts Department.

 Posted in News
 Published on Oct 02 2018

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