In his capacity as Vice-President of the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions (IFCAI), CRCICA Director attended both the IFCAI Council and the 18th IFCAI General Assembly meetings held in Singapore on 10 and 11 June 2012, respectively. During such meetings, three new members were elected to IFCAI’s Council. They are Meg Kinnear (Secretary General of ICSID), Andrea Carlevaris (next Secretary General of the ICC) and Doug Jones (President of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration – ACICA). They will replace Jason fry, Nassib Ziade and Alexander Komarov. The next IFCAI Council meeting is scheduled to take place in Washington DC next November, while the 12th IFCAI Biennial Conference shall take place in Venezuela in March 2013. The tentative theme of the Conference is: Innovations in arbitration: The role of arbitral institutions.