CRCICA Hosts CSAP-IDAI Arbitration Moot

On 28 July 2018, CRCICA hosted the third Internal Moot of the Club d’arbitrage et de plaidoirie de l’Institut de droit des affaires internationales (IDAI). Three groups of students pleaded their cases before 11 (3 per panel) experienced arbitrators who were from (Shahid Law Firm, Tamimi Law Firm, TMS Law Firm, Shalakany Law Firm and CSAP). The subject-matter of the case was the same handled by the 24th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot held in 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Created in November 2004 by the students of IDAI, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the Club d’arbitrage et de plaidoirie de l’IDAI aims at training selected students of the IDAI to acquire the necessary advocacy skills that would enable them to participate in local; regional and international moot courts

It is worth mentioning that the first Internal Moot held by the Club d’arbitrage et de plaidoirie de l’IDAI was hosted by CRCICA on 26 May 2015.

 Posted in News
 Published on Jul 28 2018

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