CRCICA Information Tool Crosses Borders: Institutional Arbitration: Perspectives from Tunisia, Europe and Africa” 27 April 2018 Tunis

On 27 April 2018, Dr. Dalia Hussein, CRCICA Deputy Director, spoke at the conference titled “Institutional arbitration: Perspectives from Tunisia, Europe and Africa” L’arbitrage institutionnel: Regards Croisés entre la Tunisie sur l’Europe et l’Afrique” held in Tunisia. The conference was organized by the Tunis Chamber for Arbitration (CTA) and the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tunis.

In the first session, Dr. Hussein presented the CRCICA Arbitration Rules and compared them to their original source: the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. She highlighted the differences between ad hoc and institutional arbitration and compared the role of the institution under the CRCICA Rules and the role of appointing authority under the UNCITRAL Rules. She also discussed the reasons to adopt the UNCITRAL Rules by the AALCO arbitration institutions, namely, the familiarity of the UNCITRAL Rules to the users and the aim to encourage the administration of ad hoc arbitrations by the AALCO institutions.

 Posted in News
 Published on Apr 27 2018

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