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CRCICA Reported : a ” Record Rise” and “20-strong Board of Trustees”

CRCICA’s achievements over the past year have been well received and have attracted global attention. A recent GAR story on CRCICA highlights its accomplishments in 2012, including a record rise in its caseload, the appointment of a new board of trustees which was dully described as a 20-strong board with a remarkably diverse formation from ten different countries under the presidency of Dr. Nabil Elaraby, the Secretary-General of the Arab League.

Most important features of 2012, as reported by GAR, were the new appointments to CRCICA Advisory Committee and the adoption of new Mediation Rules which came into effect on 1 January 2013. Mr. James South, Director of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, was quoted saying, “The new rules are high quality and consistent with developments of international mediation practice. They also show [the Cairo centre’s] commitment to developing mediation services in Egypt and the wider region.”


 Posted in News
 Published on Jan 30 2013

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