On 24 June 2020, CRCICA supported the first season of TagTime, a series of free live webinars from Delos Dispute Resolution. The guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chair of Private International Law Department and Professor of International Arbitration (Cairo University), Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm and Member of the CRCICA Advisory Committee. Other supporters were Arbitration Intelligence, Arbitral Women, DIFC LCIA Arbitration Centre, New York International Arbitration Center – NYIAC, Asia-Pacific Forum for International Arbitration, AFIA and Careers in Arbitration.
Prof Dr. Abdel Wahab’s speech was titled “Good Faith and Neighboring Doctrines: Conceptual Considerations and Practical Applications in International Arbitration”. The Webinar was followed by a Q & A session.
Prof Dr. Abdel Wahab was co-hosted by Dr Kabir Duggal, (FCIArb) and attorney at Arnold and Porter’s New York Office, and Ms. Amanda Lee, Consultant at Seymours (London).
For more information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UEsQaSTg