CRCICA’s recent caseload: A rich variety of disputes

The total number of arbitration cases filed before CRCICA until 31 March 2013 reached 885 cases. In the first quarter of 2013, 15 new arbitration cases were filed.

CRCICA’s caseload in the first quarter of 2013 involved disputes relating mainly to services, supply, investment agreements, construction, petroleum concession agreements, lease agreements, hotel management and transfer of technology. The first quarter of 2013 witnessed the filing of six cases arising out of services contracts, one of which related to catering and management of restaurants, while the others related to: the maintenance services of a well known European car, an international contract for ground handling airport services, a contract for the management, operation and marketing of memberships, an agreement for the follow-up, supervision and technical assistance, and transportation services.

Two investment cases were filed during the first quarter of 2013. The first one is an international case relating to the potential purchase of shares of a medical venture, while the other related to a touristic project in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. One of the two construction disputes filed under the auspices of the Centre concerned a FIDIC contract for building a commercial warehouse, while the other related to the construction of the headquarters of an IT Company in the Smart Village, 6 October City, Egypt. Other cases varied between disputes arising out of the exploitation and management of a hotel in Hurghada, Egypt and a concession agreement for Petroleum exploration and exploitation.

It is worth noting that the first quarter of 2013 has witnessed the filing of an international arbitration relating to the transfer of technology. Another dispute related to a lease agreement for the headquarters of a private university was also filed under the auspices of the Centre.

The total sums in disputes filed under the auspices of the Centre until 31 March 2013 amounted to US $ 385,448,550. The largest amount in dispute being US $ 250,000,000.

The following pie shows a breakdown of the types of disputed contracts during the first quarter of 2013:

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The rich variety of the types of disputed contracts referred to CRCICA in the first quarter of 2013 clearly illustrates the importance of arbitration as a means of dispute settlement and confirms the credibility of institutional arbitration under CRCICA’s auspices.

In the first quarter of 2013, arbitration proceedings involved parties from different countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, British Virgin Islands, Russia, Germany and Ukraine. CRCICA is satisfied to see that its Arbitration Rules have recently been selected by parties from Russia and Ukraine.

The following pie shows a breakdown of the nationalities of non-Egyptian parties during the first quarter of 2013:

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The First quarter of 2013 witnessed the appointment of arbitrators coming from Egypt, Jordan, France and Germany. It is worth noting that three German arbitrators were appointed by the parties in three different cases currently pending before the Centre.

The following pie shows a breakdown of the nationalities of non-Egyptian arbitrators in the first quarter of 2013:




 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 31 2013

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