FIDIC WORKSHOP Hands-on Experience on using FIDIC Contracts, 17 April 2016

Moderated by Mrs. Aisha Nadar, Consultant at Advokatfirman Runeland AB, and Member, FIDIC Updates Task Group 1999 Suite, the workshop featured five training sessions: Which Contract to Choose and why; drafting and negotiating particular conditions; operation of FIDIC contracts; claims and dispute avoidance and resolution.

Trainees practised two interactive exercises, the first of which took the form of a procurement problem, setting out the contours of the project and having the students identify which forms they would use and why. The second exercise tackled claims, their categorization and the allocation of costs.

The workshop was very well received in the Egyptian marketplace and was attended by more than 50 trainees being lawyers, consulting engineers, developers, judges, contract managers representing a variety of top businesses…etc. It was quite interesting that participants come from Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, KSA and Sudan.

(Photo Gallry)

 Posted in Workshop
 Training date Apr 17 2016

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