Fifth SOAS Arbitration in Africa Conference on: Best Practices in Arbitration and ADR in Africa”, Arusha, Tanzania

CRCICA’s Director Dr. Ismail Selim spoke at the Fifth SOAS Arbitration in Africa Conference titled: “Best Practices in Arbitration and ADR in Africa”, held at the International Convention Centre, Arusha in Tanzania from 12 to 14 February 2019. CRCICA was a sponsor and a media partner of this event, organized by the SOAS University of London, African Institute of International Law (AIIL) (Arusha), Bannaga & Fadlabi LLP (Sudan).

The Conference agenda included 8 panels. The first day focused on commercial arbitration and the second day focused on investment arbitration and other ADR from a comparative perspectives.

Dr. Ismail Selim spoke at the Second Panel on the first day titled: “Africa’s Experience in adopting UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules” and chaired by Mr Babjide Ogundipe, Sofunde, Osakwe, Ogundipe and Belgore Law Firm. Dr. Selim’s speech highlighted the UNICITRAL Rules provisions on multi-party & joinder as enshrined in CRCICA Rules and practice. The speech approached the complexity and various scenarios of constituting the arbitral tribunal in multi-party cases.

It is worth noting that the Third SOAS Arbitration in Africa Conference was co-organized and hosted by CRCICA on 3-5 April 2017 under the title: “The Role of African States and Governments in Supporting the Development of Arbitration in Africa”.

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 Posted in News
 Published on Feb 12 2019

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