First In-take of the Course on: The Contract and the Rules of Responsibility and Evidence (equivalent to CIArb Module 1: Law of Obligations and Evidence), 17-20 January 2016

CRCICA has been recently approved as a Recognized Course Provider authorized to provide the training courses qualifying for the membership of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). By virtue of this one of the kind stance in the whole Arab region, CRCICA is entitled to hold both CIArb modules; Module I: Law of obligations and Civil Evidence which prepares candidates having no legal background to participate at Module 2: Law of Arbitration. Candidates are then entitled to apply for the CIArb membership.

The first CRCICA version of Module I was held on 17-20 January 2016 under the customized thematic approach “The Contract and the Rules of Responsibility and Evidence”. This tailored program stroke a unique balance between local and regional practices and jurisdictions and international law and practices. The curriculum included: (I) General Introduction to Law- Sources of Obligations- Making of Contracts- Terms of Contracts; (II) Privity of contract- Interpretation of contract- performance- remedies for breach- Termination; (III)Tort and Evidence Law.

The program addressed the general introduction to law, explained the meaning of the legal rule and the hierarchy of norms, and focused on contract law and Evidence law from a civil law perspective, and in comparison with the main concepts of common law.

The program also addressed tort law, as well as elements of liability for tort and for breach of contract. The conditions of the liability in both cases are similar and treated by famous scholars in the same chapters, the sole difference being the element of the fault. Evidence as applied before courts and arbitral tribunals under Egyptian Law was also addressed.

31 Participants, who were mostly contract managers and engineers, were guided through Power Point presentations, writings of famous scholars in the field, court decisions and practical examples, through the process of making, performing and terminating contracts.

Participants’ assessment consisted of two sections; the first one posed two questions and a mock case in Evidence Law and tort law. The second section consisted of two complicated mock cases which included issues related to contractual terms, interpretation and performance of contracts, breach of contractual obligations and remedies thereto and limitation on liability and its conditions. The assessment aimed at showing the level of understanding of the candidates and their ability to present and express their views in law of obligations, evidence and tort law as well as to apply the knowledge they acquired to analyze facts and legal issues and to suggest the best solutions for them.

First In-take of the Course on: The Contract and the Rules of Responsibility and Evidence (equivalent to CIArb Module 1: Law of Obligations and Evidence), 17-20 January 2016

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 Posted in Past Trainings
 Training date Jan 17 2016

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