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GIZ Webinar, in cooperation with the African Arbitration Association (AAA)

Enhancing Access to Justice by Enhancing the Arbitration Institutions in Africa

CRCICA’s Director on Justice Enhancement at the GIZ Webinar co-hosted by the African Arbitration Association

On 30 November 2021 in a Webinar co-held and co-hosted by GIZ (the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, a German institution for development and cooperation) and the African Arbitration Association, also known as AAA, Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of the Centre, joined Victor Mugabe, Secretary-General of the Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC), in addressing best practices in arbitration and the role that arbitration institutions in Africa can play in improving access to justice through their own enhancement.

This Webinar, entitled “Is the World Ready to Arbitrate in Africa?” may have found some clues to encourage a positive answer, through the key addresses and interventions by the many practitioners originating from all over Africa.}

 Posted in News
 Published on Nov 30 2021

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