ICCA Governing Board Meeting, London-England

In his capacity as an elected member of the ICCA Governing Board, CRCICA Director attended the Board meeting held on 10 May 2013 in London / England. Discussions focused on ICCA’s ongoing projects and future events. It is noteworthy that ICCA has been recently running various important projects such as the ICCA’s Guide to the Interpretation of the 1958 New York Convention, which was presented at ICCA’s 50th anniversary meeting in Geneva, May 2011 and is currently being promoted and translated into many different languages.

Also, ICCA and Young ICCA launched a series of workshops for judges on the New York Convention. First workshop was held in Mauritius on 3-4 May 2012 and followed by other workshops in different countries. The workshop programme – known as the “New York Convention Roadshow” – recognizes the dependence of international arbitration practice on the critical role of national court judges in applying the New York Convention.

ICCA Governing Board is busy preparing for the 2014 ICCA Congress scheduled to take place on 6-9 April 2014, in Miami, Florida. The Congress theme is Arbitral Legitimacy: Myths, Realities, Challenges.

It is notable that the ICCA Governing Board comprises members from 26 countries being Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, France, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Kingdom, USA.


 Posted in News
 Published on May 10 2013

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