ICCA Second Consultative Workshop on Cooperation among African Arbitral Initiatives, 3 April 2017


On 3rd April 2017, CRCICA hosted and organized, in cooperation with the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), the Second Consultative Workshop on “Cooperation Among African Arbitral Initiatives”. The Workshop represented an opportunity for discussing and concretizing the resolutions of the First Workshop held in Mauritius on 11 May 2016 aiming at laying a foundation for stronger cooperation among arbitral institutions and reviewing arbitration initiatives in Africa. The program of the CRCICA Workshop introduced four separate parallel sessions approaching how far progress was achieved by working groups in the following issues: formation of the umbrella organization, education and training, access to information initiatives, and technical assistance. Report-backs were delivered by working groups at the end of discussions. Ongoing work of 1-ARB Africa was also presented shedding light on the progress in establishing the Archive of Historical Cases involving African Parties from 1990 to 2000. The Workshop was coordinated by Ms. Lise Bosman; ICCA Executive Director and attended by 22 participants representing ICCA’s Working Group including some Governing Board members among whom are Mrs. Funke Adekoya, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf and Judge Abdulqawi Yusuf.

Closing remarks reflected a common consensus on harmonizing and enhancing regional and continental cooperation among existing capacity -building initiatives.

 Posted in Workshop
 Training date Apr 03 2017

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