The Association for the Promotion of Arbitration in Africa (APAA), in partnership with the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), the Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague (CPA / PCA) and the Cairo Regional Centre of International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), with the backing of the French Cooperation organized an International Colloquium on: PCA ARBITRATION, CRCICA ARBITRATION, OHADA ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION », Yaounde-Cameroon,23 & 24 May 2018.

The Colloquium aimed to present the new legal framework of arbitration and mediation in OHADA space and to demonstrate that this renewed framework can make it possible to easily implement the PCA arbitration and CRCICA arbitration in OHADA space. Quoting Dr. Gaston Kenfack, the President of the APAA, “the UAA [Uniform Arbitration Act] applies if the seat of arbitration is within the OHADA territory, irrespective of the agreed upon institutional rules”.
The agenda extensively reflected the Colloquium theme throughout its five sessions: the new OHADA Laws on arbitration and mediation, enforcement of arbitral awards in OHADA space, PCA, CRCICA and Africa, convergences or discrepancies between OHADA arbitration and international arbitration and mediation practice in OHADA space.

CRCICA Director spoke at the third session entitled PCA, CRCICA and Africa presenting CRCICA orientation towards supporting the growth and promotion of arbitration in Sub-Saharan Africa, strengthening cooperation with other African arbitration institutions and outlining the increasing cooperation between CRCICA and African partners and the administration of cases involving African Parties.
The event stood as clear symbol of inter-institutional collaboration and complementarity in Africa and beyond.