On 1 April 2019, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar titled “Contract Interpretation in International Arbitration – Is There A Common Law/Civil Law Divide of Real Significance?” The speaker was Dr. Lawrence Shore, Partner and Team Leader of the International Arbitration Focus Team, BonelliErede, Italy, and Former Vice Chair of the Executive Committee of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration. The seminar was moderated by the Branch Vice-Chairman Dr. Ismail Selim. Dr. Shore focused on four main points: text v. context in contract interpretation, English and US contract law compared, English/American compared to French contract law and why the applicable law does matter in arbitration. More than 110 professionals attended the Seminar from Egypt and Switzerland representing the following business sectors: engineering, contract engineering, construction, as well as members of law firms, State Council, Administrative Prosecution Authority, and universities (Cairo University, Beni Suef University, Helwan University, German University in Cairo, and Azhar University). Interactive discussions followed the presentation.