On 7 February 2019, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized a seminar on “The CIArb MENA Region: An overview”. The speaker was Mr. Anthony Abrahams, Director General, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK) and the moderator was Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chair of Private International Law Department and Professor of International Arbitration (Cairo University), Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm; Member of CRCICA Advisory Committee; Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration, CIArb Trustee for the Middle East/Indian Sub-Continent Region, and Former Chairman of the CIArb, Egypt Branch.

Mr. Abrahams presented the CIArb plans in the MENA Region as well as the changes it intends to introduce to its training programs and courses.
The seminar was attended by about 60 participants representing a diversity of business sectors: construction, engineering, engineering contracts, contract administration, management consultation and lawyers.