On 16 July 2018, CRCICA organized a seminar on “The UNIDROIT Principles in International Contracts and International Arbitration”. The guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Eckart Brödermann, Professor at the University of Hamburg, Attorney-at-law in Germany and New York. The speech approached the UNIDROIT Principles in International Contracts as a transnational soft law instrument recommended by the UNCITRAL. Determining the perspective, Prof. Dr. Brödermann explained that “the dispute resolution clause trumps the choice of law clause”. He then provided a didactic explanation of the three models of using the UNDROIT principles being: Direct choice of UNIDROIT Principles, Incorporation of UNIDROIT Principles, and Supplementation of the CISG. At the end of the speech, Prof. Dr. Brödermann highlighted the practical value of the UNIDROIT Principles all intersecting at an efficient risk management mechanism which was explained in details. The seminar was attended by participants from Egypt, Iraq, Germany, and Yemen mainly representing the following business sectors: construction, engineering, telecommunications as well as oil and gas. Governmental officials representing the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation were also in attendance. Other participants were members of law firms, universities, the Egyptian Lawsuit Authority, GAFI, and regional arbitration centres.