Third Branch Committee Meeting 2022

The third Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 6 September 2022.  Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 8 June 2022.  The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented a brief on the CIArb Branch Chair Meeting held on 20 June 2022, the Treasurer Meeting held on 27 July 2022, and the meeting with the CIArb representatives regarding the Branch Mentoring Programme held on 8 August 2022.

Members discussed other items of the agenda including the nomination of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Member of the CIArb Board of Trustees, as a candidate for the CIArb Presidency election and as Trustee for the for the Middle East/Indian Sub-continent Region.  Discussions also approached the Branch future events including the webinar on Proving Loss of Productivity Claims in Construction (in cooperation with AACE International – Greater Cairo section) and the first DRBF MENA Region Conference to be held in November 2022.

The next Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 4 December 2022 alongside the Sharm El Sheikh VIII Conference.

 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 06 2022

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