Past Events


Past Events

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Lecture on: The Psychological Dimensions of Mediation
Nov 28 2022
CRCICA is always keen to promote the ADR methods of dispute settlement. In this context, CRCICA invited Mr. Joseph Obeid on 28 November 2022, Member of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies who delivered the first part of an interesting one-of-a-kind lecture on the psychological dimensions of mediation. The attendees were impressed to the extent of soliciting a full workshop to learn more about this exciting topic.
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DRBF MENA Regional Conference and Workshop
Nov 14 2022
On 14-15 November 2022, the CRCICA hosted and supported the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) MENA Regional Conference and Workshop.   The DRBF Workshop, held on 14 November 2022, was designed for candidates interested in serving on DBs and implementing DBs for the first time.  The Workshop was delivered by experienced DRBF tutors and practitioner who focused on Dispute Boards (DBs), international and multinational practice with binding decisions, and basic tenets of the Dispute Board (DB) process.  The Programme of the DRBF Conference, held on 15 November 2022, included topics relating to the application of the DB Rules, its best practices and dispute avoidance. Experienced DRBF speakers presented the advantages of DB Rules, CRCICA’s DB Rules, FIDIC and other international DB Rules, and their application in the region, the importance of expertise in the project works, and independence and impartiality for successful DBs.  The conference was concluded by a roundtable discussion on the distinctive issues and challenges facing DB application by project and DB experts.  Dr. Dalia Hussein, CRCICA’s Deputy Director, represented CRCICA at the conference and presented CRCICA’s DB Rules.
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14 18 November
Dubai Arbitration Week
Nov 14 2022
Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Associate Director for Legal Affairs and Business Development, CRCICA, participated in attending a series of events during the Dubai Arbitration Week which took place from Monday 14 November to Friday 18 November 2022. Dr. Hafez participated actively in several events and notably at Al Tamimi & Co.’s hosted event titled “Regional Updates in the MENA Region” which took place on Tuesday 15 November 2022 at Al Tamami & Co.’s premises in Dubai. Dr. Hafez was given the floor briefly to discuss the latest developments taking place at CRCICA, where he mentioned the launch of the CRCICA Dispute Board Rules in August 2021 and how it has been in demand since its launch last year. He also mentioned that a brand new CRCICA website will be launched very soon and that CRCICA will be issuing its updated CRCICA Arbitration rules, which shall include the latest developments in the field of arbitration to best serve its users in the very near future.
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Cop 27 Climate Summit Nov 2022 7
CRCICA at Cop 27
Nov 06 2022
Dr. Dalia Hussein, Deputy Director, represented CRCICA at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference held during  6-20 November 2022.  Egypt hosted the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, with a view to building on previous successes and paving the way for future ambition. Top representatives from all countries attended Cop 27 to take action towards achieving the world's collective climate goals as agreed under the Paris Agreement and the Convention. For more information about Cop 27, please click here Dr. Hussein moderated the session held on 10 November 2022 co-presented by CRCICA, the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) and UNCTAD on “Promoting Sustainable Investment while Upholding Environmental Protection in Egypt’s Regulatory Framework for Investment and Climate Action”. It is worth noting that Sharm El Sheikh is the permanent venue of CRCICA’s Sole biennial Conference on the Role of State Courts in International Arbitration.  A few days after the ending of Cop 27, CRCICA organized its eighth round of Sharm El Sheikh Conference on 5-6 December 2022.  Notably, the closing keynote speech addressed the climate change and dispute resolution presented by Ms. Annette Magnusson, Co-Founder, Climate Change Counsel (Sweden).  For more information about Sharm El Sheikh VIII, please click here
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AfAA 3rd Annual Conference, Accra – Ghana
Nov 03 2022
On 3-5 November 2022, Dr Dalia Hussein, Deputy Director of the CRCICA, represented CRCICA as a speaker at the AfAA 3rd Annual Conference “Africanisation of International Dispute Resolution”, Accra, Ghana. Dr. Hussein’s presentation focused on the Impact of COVID on Dispute Resolution.  The Conference featured an awards ceremony to recognize and celebrate the important contributions of African arbitration and ADR practitioners and institutions to the practice and development of international dispute resolution.
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