Past Trainings


Past Trainings

The Arbitral Award: Fourth Module in CRCICA CCATP Program
Dec 22 2014
The fourth module of CRCICA training program on: "Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice" (CCATP) was held at Dr. Aboul-Enein's hearing room from 22 to 25 December 2014. In this module, the "Arbitral Award" was handled in depth as based on most recent court judgments in different jurisdictions. Reference documents included a huge collection of court decisions which were regularly updated, analytic articles, expert commentaries and a model arbitral award. In groups, participants drafted an arbitral award based on the facts of a mock case. With varying professional backgrounds, participants came from Egypt and Jordan.  
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Mediation Advocacy Training
Dec 09 2014
It is incumbent upon professional representatives, also called mediation advocates, to negotiate within the mediation framework to the highest level of skill and technique. The course redefined mediation from the perspective of the mediation advocate and outlined duties of mediation advocates and specific duties held by mediation advocates who are also practicing lawyers. Most interestingly, it offered participants a negotiation protocol specifically geared to anticipating and meeting the challenges of mediation. Attendees were a variety of lawyers, in-house counsel, university professors, and engineers on the art of representing parties during mediation.  
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Writers’ Workshop
Dec 08 2014
IFC in collaboration with its local partners plans to sponsor a major mediation book project envisioned to be "the definitive leading text on mediation in Egypt and in the region". This workshop agreed to explore the potential of drafting the book. Re-assessment will take place early February.  
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Mediation Training for University Students
Nov 22 2014
In collaboration with Ain Shams University, Dr. Alexander trained thirty students from the School of Law, Ain Shams University on the basics of mediation. Students reported high satisfaction and some reported they wanted to start their career in mediation.  
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Transformative Mediation Training and Power Balance
Nov 26 2014
This two-day training introduced the transformative mediation concept being a unique approach to dispute resolution that works on the level of values, and seeks to empower parties in mediation. The training provided a close overview to the conflict, from the standpoint of how people feel/behave in conflict situations. The training offered different techniques to approach the dispute such as scaling questions; solution-focused questions; specific language used by mediators in order to support the parties make their own decisions without giving any advice even subtly.  
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