4th ISPRAMED Network Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 7 October 2013

On 7 October 2013, the 4th ISPRAMED (Institute for the Promotion of Arbitration and Mediation in the Mediterranean) Network Meeting was held in Istanbul at the headquarters of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following arbitral institutions: Milan Chamber of Arbitration (Italy), Centre de Conciliation, Mediation et d’Arbitrage of the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Algeria), Arbitration Department, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (Turkey), Lebanese Arbitration Centre (Lebanon) and CRCICA (Egypt), in addition to Professor Charles Jarrosson, ISPRAMED’s Network Coordinator (France) and representatives of ISPRAMED (Italy).

The meeting tackled inter alia the positions expressed by ISPRAMED members on the theme of independence of arbitrators and discussed the Report prepared by ISPRAMED on arbitrators’ independence and impartiality and on the Arbitration Rules Comparison Chart. The member Centres agreed to contribute to another comparative activity, by explaining the rules they apply and the principles they follow when dealing with the selection of the members of the arbitral tribunal. The ISPRAMED members also confirmed their willingness to foster the activities of the Network and to implement its goals. The 5th ISPRAMED Network Meeting will be held either in Beirut or Alger in 2014.


 Posted in News
 Published on Oct 07 2013

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