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AC Member Eng. Aisha Nadar on Multi-tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses in Construction Disputes

Eng. Aisha Nadar, Infrastructure Procurement and Dispute Management at Advokatfirman Runeland AB Law Firm and Member of CRCICA Advisory Committee, was invited on 22 February 2023 to discuss Multi-tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses in Construction Disputes during an episode of ARBinBRIEF. The video is available on YouTube and on ARBinBRIEF’s website here.

ARBinBRIEF is a practical video guide on handpicked arbitration issues prepared in collaboration with the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge (ERA) and DELOS Dispute Resolution, and sponsored in its second season by LALIVE. It is also supported by the Rising Arbitrators Initiative (RAI), the CIArb South Africa Branch, the Centro de Arbitragem e Mediação Brasil-Canadá (CAM-CCBC) and the Arbitral Women and Careers in Arbitration (CiA).

 Posted in News
 Published on Feb 22 2023

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