CCATP : Second Module: The Arbitral Tribunal, Cairo-Egypt,

Held by CRCICA and CIArb Cairo, The Arbitral Tribunal: the second module of the Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP), was held on 2-4 June 2013. In this module, the Arbitral Tribunal was studied in depth as based on a big number of the most recent international decisions and institutional regulations. Participants had the chance to role play through a mock case designed to raise all top issues related to the composition and functioning of the arbitral tribunal.

It is notable that CCATP has been recognized as a one of the kind program in the region with a simultaneous bilateral tutorial methodology that combines both systems, the Civil law and Common law systems. The four modules of the program are being held separately in a total of 14 days from March through December 2013. Upon completion of the program, in its four modules, participants will be eligible to apply for the now-open membership of CRCICA


 Posted in Past Trainings
 Training date Jun 02 2013

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