Celebratory Conference of the 50th Anniversary of UNCITRAL

NewsEvents 2018 04 24 12 10 20 424880

“Global Inclusion and Dispute Resolution: Harmonizing Trends in International Arbitration

Since its inception in 1979, the CRCICA has developed historical ties of cooperation with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in support of its role in the harmonization and modernization of international trade law. For decades, CRCICA took the regional lead to share with UNCITRAL the celebrations of its milestones, and with pride, organized jointly with the UNCITRAL the regionally exclusive celebratory Conference of its 50th Anniversary under the innovating theme: Global Inclusion and Dispute Resolution Harmonizing Trends in International Arbitration on 9-10 December 2017 at CRCICA Auditorium, Cairo-Egypt. Similar celebratory conferences were held in Austria, Cameroon and India. The Cairo version is the exclusive one in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region.

The conference addressed the UNCITRAL contributions in the field of dispute settlement over 50 years with particular focus on the New York Convention and its applications, the UNCITRAL Model Arbitration Law and Arbitration Rules.

Such a diverse agenda echoes a similar diversity of speakers representing different countries such as Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, Malaysia, Sweden, France, Turkey, Cameroon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon and Egypt.

The conference was sponsored by Youssef & Partners Attorneys and Zulficar & Partners Law Firm. Supporting firms were Rizkana & Partners, Al Tamimi & Co., Badran Law Office, and Byo Ojo & Co. Media partners were GAR, TDM OGEMid, The Law, and Law Today.

Attendees, totaling 125, came from 20 countries, namely: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Sudan, Qatar, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Kuwait, Spain, Cameroon, Malaysia, Sweden, Libya, Germany, Nigeria, Mexico, and The Netherlands.

Conference Agenda. 

During the Conference, the historic signing ceremony of the CRCICA/PCA cooperation agreement took place

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 Posted in Past Events
 Event date Dec 09 2017

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