CIArb Egypt Branch Committee Meeting

The first Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was conducted virtually, following the AGM, on 6 April 2021. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, the Branch Chairperson, welcomed the new three elected Committee Members taking their office starting from the AGM date. The Chairperson presented the report on the Branch’s Activities (2020– early 2021). Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Branch Education and Training Officer, gave an update on Branch current Approved Faculty List. Members shared thoughts about the Branch initiatives for young members, namely; the first cycle of Branch Mentoring Programme and the formation of Branch YMG. Members discussed other topics of the agenda including the cooperation with London Branch, the establishment of the “Chartered Arbitrator” grade, and the update of the Branch Webpage. The next virtual Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 7 July 2021.

 Posted in News
 Published on Apr 06 2021

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