Conference on the Evolution of Investment Law and Arbitration in Africa, Paris, France

On 26 February 2020, Dr. Dalia Hussein, CRCICA’s Deputy Director, delivered a speech at the conference titled the “L’évolution du droit d’investissement et d’arbitrage en Afrique” (The Evolution of Investment Law and Arbitration in Africa). The conference was held in Paris and organized by l’Académie Africaine de la pratique du droit international (The African Academy for the Practice of International Law) and Gide Loyrette Nouel Law Firm.

The presentation of Dr. Dalia focused on the experience of Egypt in investment treaty arbitration, and the Egyptian trend towards reaching amicable settlements to investment disputes, especially through the establishment of a number of amicable settlement committees under the Egyptian Investment Law of 2017. Her presentation also tackled CRCICA’s experience in relation to investment arbitration highlighting some investment treaty arbitration and mediation cases administered by CRCICA.

 Posted in News
 Published on Feb 26 2020

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