CRCICA Advisory Committee Meeting

On 4 March 2013, the first meeting of CRCICA Advisory Committee (AC) for this year was held by the attendance of the following members: Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sadek El Kosheri (Chairman – Egypt), Prof. Dr. Fathi Waly (Egypt), Dr. Karim Hafez (Egypt), Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Samir El Sharkawy (Egypt), Judge. Mohamed Amin El Mahdy (Egypt), Dr. Mohamed Salah Abdel Wahab (Egypt), Dr. Philippe Leboulanger (Vice-Chairman – France), Through multilateral teleconferencing, the following members participated in discussions from three different countries: Prof. Dr. Hamza Haddad (Jordan), Ms. Rabab Yasseen (Iraq\Switzerland), Prof. Nassib Ziadé (Vice-Chairman – Lebanon). Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf attended in his capacity as the Director of the Centre.

The agenda of the meeting tackled the Centre’s Arbitration Rules as well as the relevant provisions of the AC’s by-laws governing the challenge and removal of arbitrators and approached the best possible strategies to limit the role of national courts of the host country in this concern.

Apart from technical issues, the Committee discussed the possibility of stabilizing a hot arbitration theme for a conference to be held biennially in Aswan City of Egypt for being a marvelous winter touristic attraction on one of the widest stream of the Nile River. The event is meant to alternate with the successful biennial conference on the role of state courts of arbitration which has been held biennially in Sharm El Sheikh of Egypt since 2005. Members agreed on the topic “Hot issues in international commercial arbitration” which would help as a useful update on all new arbitration topics. The launching of the Aswan event is settled for February 2015.

It is notable that the AC is scheduled to meet four times a year. Future 2013 meetings are scheduled for June, September and December.


 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 04 2013

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