CRCICA chairs IFCAI Council and General Assembly Meetings in Manama – Bahrain

In his capacity as Vice President of IFCAI, CRCICA Director chaired the IFCAI Council meeting. The meeting was hosted by the BCDR in Manama, Bahrain on March 24, 2015 and discussed matters of interest to the arbitral institutions, future activities as well as the results of the 13th IFCAI Biennial Conference on “Hot Issues in International Arbitration in the Arab World and Arbitral Institutions and Issues of Conflicts of Interest” held in Manama, Bahrain on March 23, 2015. The next meeting of IFCAI Council is scheduled to take place in Vienna on 7 October 2015 on the occasion of the next IBA Conference.

The IFCAI Council meeting was followed by the IFCAI General Assembly meeting attended by 12 arbitral institutions from Europe, Asia, Africa, the USA and Latin America. The attendees discussed the features of the new IFCAI website as well as future IFCAI projects. The next meeting of IFCAI General Assembly shall be held in May 2016 in Mauritius on the occasion of the ICCA 2016 Congress, while the 14th IFCAI Biennial Conference is scheduled to take place in Hong Kong in 2017.


 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 24 2015

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