CRCICA hosts CIArb Cairo Wednesday One Seminars

CRCICA was nominated the seat of the Cairo Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators since its inception in 1999. One of the most lively activities of the Branch, which CRCICA has been hosting since then, is the Wednesday One Seminars which feature key speakers to tackle the practical aspects of current legal issue. Guest Speakers of the CIArb Cairo Wednesday One Seminars are eminent figures in the legal and business professions.
Record of past speakers includes Dr. Fouad Riad Professor of Law (Private International Law) – Cairo University, Former Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Dr. Mostafa El Fiky, Former Head of the Foreign Relations Committee, People’s Assembly, Prof. Dr. Georges Abi Saab, Former Member and President of the Appellate Body, WTO, Mr. Michael Schneider, Founding Partner of LALIVE ;President of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA).

 Posted in News
 Published on Dec 31 2012

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