CRCICA / IFC Mediation Seminars, 2-5 January 2014

On 2-5 January 2014, CRCICA in cooperation with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) held four consecutive mediation seminars delivered by Prof. Najda Alexander, Professor and Director of the International Institute of Conflict Engagement and Resolution (IICER), Hong Kong at Shue Yan University.

The themes of each seminar, however, were different; one focused on Effective Dispute Management for In-House Counsels. The Seminar explored the needs and expectations of in house counsels, as varying as their businesses are, in an attempt to place better mediation approaches respectively.

Entitled Opening Mediation Windows in the Arbitration House, the second seminar handled the reciprocity between mediation and arbitration in some cases. In an interactive format, Dr. Alexander discussed the different variables of med-arb and explored with the participants the future of med-arb in Egypt.

The third Seminar titled Mediation for Resolving Construction Disputes discussed the different options for dispute management systems that involve mediation for the construction industry in Egypt.

The fourth and last Seminar was delivered especially for CRCICA CEDR-accredited pool of mediation trainers under the title Training Techniques Seminar. The seminar was well received by trainers for having provided “a thorough and insightful display and assessment of Mediation models and accreditation schemes and standards”.



 Posted in Seminar
 Event date Jan 02 2014

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