CRCICA Information Tool Crosses the Borders: The French Cour de Cassation, Paris, September 2017

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In a unique incident, Dr. Ismail Selim was invited by the Société de Législation Comparée (“SLC”) to deliver a presentation about the Role and Objectives of CRCICA at the French Cour de Cassation on the 28th of September 2017. An introductory speech was delivered by Judge Dominique Hascher, the President of the SLC and the session was moderated by Ms. Beatrice Castellane, President of the Arbitration Section of the SLC.

Dr. Selim’s presentation tackled various aspects including the Egyptian Arbitration Law and CRCICA’s pivotal role in promoting arbitration in the region. Dr. Selim highlighted salient features in the track of CRCICA long-established practices including its arbitration costs as recently featured in the Study of the Stephenson Harwood’s International Arbitration Group published in “Arbitration cost compared: GAR 2017 Edition”.

The presentation approached as well CRCICA stance in some Bilateral Investment Treaties agreements where CRCICA was chosen as an arbitration institution in dozens of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) such as the BIT dated 12 November 2002 entered into between Libya and Morocco and the BIT dated 7 June 2010 entered into between Switzerland and Egypt.

The presentation was very well received and triggered lively discussions, curious questions and informative answers.

 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 28 2017

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