CRCICA Recent Caseload: 3rd Quarter 2016: Confirmation of the Top Position of Services Cases

The total number of arbitration cases filed before CRCICA until 30 September 2016 reached 1139 cases. In the third quarter of 2016, 30 new arbitration cases were filed compared to 11 cases filed in the same quarter in 2015. CRCICA’s caseload in the third quarter of 2016 involved disputes relating to Services, Media and Entertainment, Construction, International Sale of Goods, Supply, Lease Agreements, Charter Party, Settlement Agreements, Real Estate, Sale and Purchase of Shares and Intellectual Property Rights.

The remarkable start for disputes arising out of services agreements, which was announced in the first quarter of 2016, is confirmed with the filing in the third quarter of 2016 of eleven cases arising out of services agreements, six of which related to petroleum services with respect to a concession in the western desert of Egypt, including three international cases. Another international services case filed during the third quarter of 2016 related to a Business development brokerage agreement whereby the foreign investors are assisted in signing a road concession agreement with local authorities. Two other services cases concerned consultancy agreements, the first of which related to legal consultancy services, while the other related to the provision of project management consultancy services for the construction of a sugar factory in Sharqia Governorate, Egypt. The two other remaining services cases related to the provision of mud engineering services and surface testing services.

The third quarter of 2016 also witnessed the filing of three construction cases, two of which were international cases, the first one related to the construction of an educational hospital in El Muthanna, Iraq, while the other one related to the modification of the penthouses floor of a mall located in Cairo, Egypt. The third construction case related to the supply and implementation of the external interfaces for a building located in Six of October city, Giza, Egypt.

Two cases arising out of supply contracts were registered in the third quarter of 2016. The first case was an international one relating to the procurement of pipelines for a power station project in Giza, Egypt, while the second was for the supply of a dust telescope for Safaga mining port, Egypt.

Two cases arising out of lease agreements were also registered during the third quarter of 2016 with respect to a hotel located in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Six international cases relating to various contracts were also registered during the third quarter of 2016. Two cases related to an international sale of goods agreement involving the supply, installation and operation of equipment and machines for a factory of juices and concentrates located in Ismailiyah Governorate, Egypt. The Third case related to a Charter Party for an off – shore service vessel. The fourth case related to a real estate agreement for a unit located in Sahl Hasheesh, Red Sea, Egypt. The fifth case related to a contract for the installation and operation of an audio-visual system in a resort located in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The sixth case related to the sale and purchase of shares of an export and import company.

The third quarter of 2016 also witnessed the filing of a purely international case opposing two Libyan individuals with respect to a settlement agreement.

The third quarter of 2016 witnessed the filing of one case relating to a dispute on intellectual property rights between the heirs of a well-known Egyptian author and a well-known publisher.

The following pie shows a breakdown of the types of disputed contracts during the third quarter of 2016:


The rich variety of the types of disputed contracts referred to CRCICA in the third quarter of 2016 clearly illustrates the importance of arbitration as a means of dispute settlement and confirms the credibility of institutional arbitration under CRCICA’s auspices.

In the third quarter of 2016, arbitration proceedings involved parties from different countries including Egypt, U.A.E., Jordan, Libya, India, Cyprus, Italy, Germany, UK and Cayman Islands.

The following pie shows a breakdown of the nationalities of non-Egyptian parties during the third quarter of 2016:


The third quarter of 2016 witnessed the appointment of arbitrators coming from Egypt and the UK.

 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 30 2016

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