CRCICA Recent Caseload: A promising beginning

The total number of cases filed before CRCICA until 31 Mars 2018 reached 1246 cases. In the first quarter of 2018, 20 new cases were filed compared to 19 cases filed in the first quarter of 2017.

The Centre’s caseload in the first quarter of 2018 involved disputes related to lease agreements, contracts for works, hotel management agreement, project management agreement, gas supply agreements, electricity supply agreements, construction, international sale of goods and civil works agreement, sub-license agreements, consultancy agreements, inspection agreements, media and entertainment, sponsorship agreements, and insurance agreement.


Five cases related to lease agreements. Two cases involved a Kuwaiti lessor company in disputes arising of two contracts for the lease of commercial properties in a shopping mall located in the fifth settlement district.

Three cases related to the lease of commercial properties. The first involved a lease of a beauty center in a shopping mall located in the fifth settlement between an Egyptian Company as a lessor and a Lebanese national as a lessee. The second case involved a contract for the lease of a restaurant in a shopping mall located in Cairo between an Egyptian company as lessee and an Egyptian lessor company having a majority Saudi shareholding.  

The last case related to a contract between two Egyptian companies for the lease of a unit in a shopping mall located in the fifth settlement.   

Three cases related to contracts for works. The first case included an Egyptian company specialized in the field of media and entertainment as employer, and another Egyptian company as the contractor to carry out civil works in a cinema complex located in New Cairo.  The second case involved a contract for the supply, installation and testing of equipment in a project located in Badr City between an Egyptian Air conditioning company and an Egyptian real estate developer. The third case involved a contract between two Egyptian companies for the supply and installation of elevators in a famous hotel located in Cairo.

One case involved a hotel management agreement between a US leading hotel management company and an Egyptian tourism projects company for the management of a hotel located in Hurgada.

One case involved a project management agreement of a cement plant located in Beni Suef governorate. The agreement is entered into between two Egyptian companies one of which is owned by a Saudi shareholder.

One case related to gas supply agreement between two Egyptian companies for the supply of natural gas to a plant located in the industrial zone in New Borg El Arab. 

One case related to an electricity supply agreement between two Egyptian companies for the supply of electricity to a cement plant located in Beni Sueif.

One case related to a construction contract between two leading Egyptian companies in the tourism sector and an Egyptian touristic company for the designing, construction, and marketing of a touristic complex located in the Suez Canal zone.

One case related to disputes arising out of a complex agreement for the international sale of goods and civil works. The case involved a German company and a leading Egyptian real estate development company, concerning the sale, installation and testing of equipment in the project site owned by the Egyptian company.

One case related to a sub-licensing agreement involving an Egyptian company, licensed by a U.S company to operate a chain of fitness centers in Egypt and its Egyptian sub-licensee.

One case related to a consultancy agreement entered into between an Egyptian consultant, specializing in the field of carbon emission trading and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and  a leading Egyptian recycling company whereby the former was engaged by the latter to advise on CDMs to be used in a project of recycling of solid waste.

One case related to an inspection agreement. An Italian inspector company was assigned by a leading Egyptian company, specialized in oil and gas projects, to undertake inspections and tests services concerning deliveries designated in the agreement.

One case related to media and entertainment, involving a contract for the production and broadcasting of a TV show between two major Egyptian TV production companies.

One case related to a sponsorship agreement between an Egyptian movies production company and an Egyptian aviation company to sponsor Egyptian national football team flights.

One case related to an insurance agreement, between a major Egyptian company specialized in the automotive industry and an Egyptian company for insurance of workers against work related injuries and disabilities.


The first quarter witnessed the appointment of arbitrators from Austria, Lebanon, the UK, France and Egypt.


As a part of its gender and age diversity policies, the CRCICA respectively appointed a notable experienced female arbitrator from Lebanon/France and another rising female arbitrator from UK/Egypt, under the age of 40. A male arbitrator under the age of 40 was also appointed by the CRCICA.

From among the arbitrators appointed in the cases registered during this quarter, 30 were males whilst 2 arbitrators were females both appointed by the CRCICA including through the identical list procedure.

Arbitration statistics2018

Amongst the 20 cases filed in this quarter, 5 cases were conducted in English, whilst 15 were conducted in the Arabic language.

Arbitration proceedings in the first quarter involved parties from Egypt, Italy, Germany, Kuwait, Lebanon, USA and Saudi Arabia. It is worth mentioning that the statistics on Non-Egyptian parties are conservative as it do not include Egyptian companies owned or ultimately controlled by Non-Egyptian shareholders.


 Posted in News
 Published on Jan 01 2018

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