CRCICA Recent Caseload: A rich variety of Cases

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The total number of cases filed before CRCICA until 30 June 2017 reached 1192 cases. In the second quarter of 2017, 12 new cases were filed, compared to 23 new cases filed in second quarter of 2016.

The Centre’s caseload in the second quarter of 2017 involved disputes related to lease agreements, contracts for works, supply, agency, shareholders’ agreement, hotel management, technical assistance and loan facilities.


Three cases related to disputes arising out of contracts for works. The first case related to a contract for mechanical infrastructure works. The second case related to a contract for the design, supply, erection and installation of electro-mechanical works for a production plant located in South of Helwan, Cairo. The third dispute related to a land drilling contract for a site located in in Fayum, Egypt.

Two cases related to enforcement and rescission of share purchase agreements. Two cases related to supply agreement. The first case involved a petroleum coke and steam coal purchase and sale agreements. The second case related to a contract for the supply of experienced laborers made between an Egyptian and a Singapore company.

The remaining five cases involved different subject matters. The first case involved a contract for the lease of a building in New Cairo as an administrative headquarters between Egyptian and Saudi parties. The second case involved an agency agreement concluded between a Saudi airline company and a multinational tourism company.

The third case involved a hotel management dispute between a Spanish Hotelier company and an Egyptian Tourism company.

The fourth case related to a construction contract between Egyptian and Saudi companies for the construction of power plants in Egypt and in Saudi Arabia.

The fifth case related to a contract to provide technical support and assistance in obtaining credits and financing of small and medium enterprises.


The second quarter of 2017 witnessed the appointment of arbitrators coming from Egypt, England, America and Lebanon.


It is also worth stating that amongst the 12 cases filed in this quarter, seven cases were conducted in Arabic, as the five remaining cases were conducted in English.


Types of Disputed Contracts (2nd quarter 2017):

  • Works and Construction 4/12
  • Supply contract 2/12
  • Lease agreement 1/12
  • Agency agreement 1/12
  • Hotel Management 1/12
  • Shareholders agreement & mergers 2/12
  • Investment promotion contract 1/12

Cases involving at least one non-Egyptian party:

  • Saudi Arabia: 17%
  • Singapore 1: 8%
  • Spain 1: 8%

Language of proceedings:

  • 42% in English
  • 58% in Arabic
 Posted in News
 Published on Jun 30 2017

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