CRCICA’s Dispute Board Rules in French

On 31 March 2022, the CRCICA announced the finalisation of the French version of its Dispute Board Rules (

The translation of the Dispute Board Rules into French is part of CRCICA’s ongoing initiative to promote the French language within the practice of alternative dispute resolution in order to serve its French speaking users. CRCICA had previously published the French version of its Arbitration Rules in March 2017.

CRCICA’s DB Rules were drafted through the guidance of existing institutional rules and the comprehensive input and invaluable contributions of the CRCICA’s DB Committee, which included renowned experts in the field of the DB from around the world. The DB Rules provide a prompt, cost-effective and impartial dispute avoidance and resolution mechanisms adapted to all types and sizes of construction projects. The DB Rules were issued to meet the increasing demand of the domestic, regional and international business and construction communities. They became in force as of 1 August 2021.

For the English and Arabic versions of the CRCICA’s DB Rules, please click here:

 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 31 2022

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