On 7 May 2018, CRCICA hosted the Roundtable Discussion organized by the British Egyptian Business Association (BEBA) under the title “Recent Developments in International Arbitration and the Role of CRCICA”. The inaugural welcome was delivered by Ms. Nadia Lamloum, BEBA Executive Director, the speaker was Dr. Ismail Selim, CRCICA Director and discussions were moderated by Ms. Sara Hinton, Senior Partner, I&P (Ibrachy Legal Consultancy). Following a presentation about the role of CRCICA, Dr. Selim addressed the drafting and negotiation of arbitration clauses and the ongoing reform of the Investors State Dispute Settlement (“ISDS”) Regime in light of his attendance of sessions of the UNCITRAL Working Group III. The event was attended by Mr. Paul Mullard, Senior Regional Trade Policy Advisor, and Mr. Oliver Richards, Regional Director North Africa, British Embassy in Cairo. Other participants were from law firms, Egyptian Tax Authority, Lawsuit Authority, National Youth Council Foundation and a number of private sector companies in the fields of finance & banking, drainage, building materials, communication and information technology, telecommunication and natural gas.