“First Arbitration Forum in the Islamic World”, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Upon the kind invitation of his Highness Prince Dr. Bandar Salman M. Al-Saud, Advisor to the king Abdulla Bin Abdul Aziz and President of the Saudi Arbitration Group, the first Forum for Arbitration in the Islamic World was held at Um Al Qura University in Mecca, Saudi Arabia from 9 to 10 March 2014.

The Forum was attended by many experts, lawyers, engineers, professors and students from all over the Islamic World. It tackled the following five topics:

  • Salient features of Arbitration in Islamic Sharia;
  • Different fields of Arbitration in Islamic Sharia;
  • Procedural Aspects of Arbitration;
  • The Reality of Arbitration Centers in the Islamic World; and
  • The Future of Arbitration in the Islamic World.

CRCICA Director delivered a speech addressing the past, present and future of CRCICA, its activities and contributions to the theory and practice of arbitration in its region.

On the occasion of the Forum, and upon the initiative of his Highness Prince Dr. Bandar Salman M. Al-Saud, a meeting was held between representatives of six arbitration centers located in the Islamic World, who agreed to foster the cooperation between their respective institutions through the establishment of an international federation for arbitral institutions in the Islamic World.


 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 10 2014

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