On 29 September 2018, the CIArb Cairo Branch in cooperation with CRCICA organized a training course on: “Introduction to Delay Analysis Methods in the Construction Industry”. The trainer was Eng. Hossam A. Mohamed Kandeel, Freelancer Project Management and Risk Management Consultant. Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Vice-President of the Branch moderated the course. The training tackled the most recent methods of delay analysis in the construction industry, the advantages and disadvantages of each method and the most commonly applied methods in the Middle East. The agenda included an introduction to forensic planning and forensic delay analysis, main critical terminologies, delay types and causes in construction projects, delay analysis most recognized references, updated delay analysis methods categories, fragment concept as a method to support delays analysis, and most popular delay analysis methods and their limitation of implementation. The interactive format, case studies and open discussions kept attendees engaged. The event was attended by representatives of different sectors such as construction, engineering, contract administration, finance and banking, real estate and development, and petroleum. A number of law firms were also represented. Participants were from Egypt, France, Greece, and the UK.