Laurie Labbaye

Laurie Labbaye has accomplished her internship program at CRCICA from 14 June until 14 August 2020. Laurie is a French student, pursuing a Master 2 in International and European Business Law (specializing in Arbitration and Litigation), at the Institute of International Business Law (IDAI), a subsidiary of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne at Cairo University. During her internship, Laurie get acquainted with the procedures and practice of international arbitration, participated in the translation of legal documents, assisted in the case management tasks (filling information and researching legal principles in an arbitral award). She had the opportunity to participate in virtual procedural hearings, writing articles, and attending several webinars on the procedures developed by arbitration institutions during the COVID-19 crisis. “In spite of the COVID-19 crisis that may have sometimes disrupted the course of the internship, I am convinced that it will remain an important step in the development of my professional career”, says Laurie.

 Posted in News
 Published on Jun 14 2020

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